Having Representation in the Industry
November 2, 2018I am currently represented by an Agency that is based in New York. The market I work in is in Florida. For years I worked as a freelance artist. During my time as a freelance Makeup Artist I came to a cross roads. I felt as though I was becoming board with where I was as an artist. I went to a Film driven school but the market that I was working in was more driven towards weddings and small commercial work. As an artist I really craved something more for my career. I often questioned where do I go from here? I decided to start testing with the best photographers I could locate in my market. I studied my craft, makeup history, and more fashion than one could imagine. I had a passion for the artistic side of fashion. I really looked up to some of the most amazing artists that inspired me to want to do and learn more. After some time I was fortunate enough to be approached by an agency. I had been represented by a smaller agency local to my city but this was super exciting because the Agency is based in NY. So now you have representation; what does that mean? For some it really has its high points and benefits. One major thing I learned from being represented is that once your in, you still have a lot of growing. Its important to note that you are also competing against other artists in the industry. So how is this any different from being a freelancer you might ask? Well its all about the Clients. Normally when you approach an agency you will be surrendering your client list. Its a partnership. They bring you work with their roster of clients while you bring your list of clientele to the agent. More than anything being a part of a team full of talented people makes you work harder and test more. You will always work to build your portfolio. I will never forget how I felt the first time I didn’t “land” the job. Its frustrating and sometimes it made me question my skill level. One thing I learned is to never compare yourself. YOU are your only competition. I will also never forget landing one of the best jobs. Landing that first big job really gave me an edge. If you are really interested in joining an agency I strongly suggest you assist an artist you admire working in an agency first. This can take a while and can be frustrating. It is the best education you will ever receive. Assisting can also help you grow and prepare you for the first time you approach an agency. Remember, you may not always get the response your looking for the first time; but don’t give up.
*Key Makeup for Alice & Olivia Spring 2018 campaign